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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Military Radio AN/PRC-106/ with beacon function/upgrade from 90


item same as you seen, i have no battery to test,

sell with 7 days money back warranty.

what you seen, what you got.

And the headphone never used. band new.


 from Google,,,,


The AN/PRC-106 is similar to an AN/PRC-90 except its two channels are 121.5 Mhz and 243 MHz. In order to accomplish this, the original 90 design of two separate receivers and transmitters had to be used. The beacon function has been eliminated from the rotary frequency selector switch. However, that function is now available on either frequency by pushing the top mounted switch (which was the MCW function switch in a PRC-90). There is a new feature provided that was not used on the original 90. Each transmitter contains a detector circuit that feeds actual transmitted audio to the earphone for Tx sidetone.
Manufactured by ACR, OAI, and C-RAN since 1974 for the AF, DEA, and probably others, it has the following specs.
  • Power output, 100-mW average (400-mW pep) voice, 125-mW average (500-mW pep) beacon.
  • Rx sensitivity, 5 uV
  • Immersion, five minutes/15.2 m, 24 hours/0.6 m.
  • T.O. 31R2-2PRC106-1 (formerly 12R2-2PRC106-1), 1 Dec 1974, include C1 15 June 1979, NSN ?
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